The Importance of Getting Outside

Spending time in nature just makes you feel good, right? It's not just a feeling, it can have positive impacts on your physical and mental health. You don't have to go on a big adventure to reap the benefits, as there are many simple ways to get outside and surround yourself with nature.

In this Post…

Physical Benefits

Mental Benefits

Easy Ways to Get Outside

How the Winona Outdoor Collaborative can help!

Physical Benefits

Some say that sunlight is the cure for cancer. While that’s not exactly true, some serious health benefits to getting outdoors include increased physical exercise, greater exposure to necessary vitamins, and greater lung health. 

Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining good physical health. While relaxing on your porch or in a hammock is a simple way to enjoy the outdoors, most outdoor activities involve some level of physical activity. In the Winona area, popular activities such as hiking, biking, and climbing can help you stay active and healthy.

Getting outside and spending time in the sunshine is the most natural way to make sure you are getting enough vitamin D. It is recommended that you get 10-30 minutes of sun exposure multiple times throughout the week to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D. Excess sun exposure can be dangerous, so it is important to make sure that you are using proper sun protection to prevent things like burns or harm to your eyes. 

The fresh air we get when being active outdoors helps clean our lungs. Deep, diaphragmatic breathing can help expel toxins in your body and get more oxygen into your cells.

Mental Benefits

Not only does getting outside positively affect you physically, but it also has mental and psychological benefits. 

Time spent in nature has been shown to decrease stress. Being outdoors can help reduce cortisol, the body's stress hormone. It has also been shown to decrease heart rate. 

Spending time outdoors not only reduces stress but also has a positive impact on your mood. When you spend time outside, the cortisol level, a stress hormone, decreases, which helps to alleviate anxiety and stress that may affect your mood negatively. Engaging in active outdoor activities can also trigger the release of endorphins, commonly known as "feel-good" hormones. This can help you relax and feel happier.

Engaging with nature can also help encourage mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness in nature can help to slow your heart rate and lower your blood pressure, helping create a more relaxed state.

Easy Ways to Get Outside

Being active outdoors can sometimes feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are three simple ways that you can get outside today!

  1. Go for a walk

    Going for a walk can be as simple as walking around your neighborhood or through a local park. This doesn’t have to be anything monumental or physically draining, just something to get you out of the house and into the sun. You could even take it a step further and try a hike at a park you haven’t explored yet. 

  2. Have a picnic

    A picnic is a fun way to get outside. Something as manageable as taking a lunch break outside or eating breakfast on the porch helps get you outside. To level it up, pair it with a hike or a paddle to explore new areas, get active, and refuel your body in nature. 

  3. Try nature photography

    Photography can be a fun way to engage with nature more deeply. Take a moment to observe and capture the beauty of the nature around you. To get a little more advanced, find a fun scavenger hunt and take photos. Try birdwatching or butterfly-watching (although that might require more specialized gear) to take it a step further. 

How Can The Collaborative Help?

The Winona Outdoor Collaborative is focused on creating a safe space for all people, especially marginalized identities, in outdoor recreation. Things like our free monthly Meetups and affordable gear rentals are ways the Collaborative can help get you outdoors. 

Meetups and Programs

We organize free monthly local meetups and programs that offer a safe and inclusive environment for trying out new activities. You can choose from a variety of activities, such as snowshoeing in the winter, climbing in the summer, learning about geography or wildlife, or simply spending time with your local community. To learn more about all the upcoming opportunities we have to offer, please visit our events page.

Equipment Rentals

If you're looking to explore something new in Winona but don't want to spend a lot of money on equipment, the Collaborative can help you out. We offer rentals of various outdoor gear starting at just $1 per day, making it an affordable way to try out new activities. Check out our equipment rental page to see what we have available.


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